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Fasting and walking in France

Welcome to this website speaking about  " fasting and walking " a not medical experience ...

It is now three years that i am supervising people coming here for fasting during a week in this beautiful Golfe du Morbihan, in Britanny, with a specific warm weather due to the Golfe climate ...

Fasting the simpliest way ,if you are in relative good health, able to walk about 6 to 11 km a day, slowly, with pauses and without elevation and always the possibility for a shortcut...

Splendid walk in the edge of the atlantic ocean or the Golfe du Morbihan, walks in the island of Arz or l'ile aux Moines ...

You will be homed in a gentle house, with interior hot swimming pool, and a sauna ...

I do speak english, every evenning there is a presentation of healthy habits, speaking about acid/alcalin, Yin/yang, mother earth remedies ( clay etc ... ) .

Have a one week holiday for your body, your mind, your spirit ...

Just send a mail for more informations !





Comment pouvez vous continuer à mentir à de personnes inocentes ??

Écrit par : Teo | 08/02/2013

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